Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Design Minibrief One - Balance

Balance is a big part of my life at the moment as I work to balance three photography courses and all their assignments, my job, my training for running and at the moment - moving house.

Balance is a very important aspect of design. In everyday life we might think of balance as a way of distributing weight evenly, juggling different aspects of life or to be mentally steady. In design however, it can mean many things - whether its making parts of an image work together, balancing out the positive and negative space or making something symmetrical.

Below are my 12 balance images:

Balance by symmetry : this is an image of a ferm reflected and then I have reflect an image of some lights on the top and changed the opacity.

Balance by horizontal and vertical placement: I created an evenly balance grid for this image. It is made from a layer of images.

Balance by Value and Colour: This is an image which as been altered in photoshop to emphasise the colours on the CD and then I made a series of circles around the CD. Then I got the eye dropper and matched the colour on the opposite side of the CD to create balance by value and colour.

Balance by pattern: This is a pattern I created of an image of a friend. It is balanced out by all the images being in a series of patterns - across ways, length ways and diagonally.

Balance by texture and shape: The square textured image balances out the flat circle. 

Balance by eye direction: The Te Rewa Rewa Bridge multiplied and layered on top of each other slightly off from one another creates balance by eye direction as the image leads the viewers eye from the left to the right.

Radial Balance: Agapanthas evenly placed throughout the circle with a lens flare in the centre.

Pattern balance: Patterned circles balancing the image with each circle in line and clipping the same part of the image.

Asymmetric Balance: Two separate components of an image with different pictures balancing each other out. 

 Balance by position: Each squigley line positioned in the corner balances each other out and leads your eye from one to the other.

Balance by asymmetric and symmetric: This is symmetrical with it being the same on each side if you divide it in half but there is different pictures in the images.

Balance by Shape: Each opposite corner balances each other out.

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